
Friday 3 May 2013

Collecting Autographs Through the Mail

  1. The first step in collecting autographs by mail is finding an address to write to them. Unfortunately, the more popular a celebrity is, the harder it becomes to get an authentic autograph from them. It is still possible to have success with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, but you have to constantly stay informed on their signing habits. A great way to have success through the mail is writing to them via venue. If you know where Harrison Ford will be filming his latest film, try writing a letter to the production office. Of course these are the hardest addresses to find and can take a lot of personal research.
    Some great info at:-
    • - If you don't mind spending some money this is a great site. I'm not a member any longer, but it was one of the best sources of addresses I've found on the Internet.
    • The A1 Autograph Groupon Yahoo is another great resource that has helped me many times. Like, A1 is successful because of the community of autograph collectors who share information.
    • IMDB.Com - This is the best source on the Internet for film information, use this site to find out what is filming and where.
  2. You should also catalogue in some fashion, whether on the computer or written in a journal, the requests you have sent out. When hundreds of requests have been sent out, it can be hard to remember which address you previously tried. 
  3. The most tricky part about collecting autographs by mail is writing the letter, because the reality is there is no guaranteed format that will ensure success. As a general rule, you should not make your letter longer than a page and if it is handwritten,Within the first two sentences ask for an autograph, the celebrity then knows why you have written. If you ask at the end he/she might not have time to read the full letter.
    Be polite in your approach when requesting the autograph itself and perhaps express why granting this request would mean the world to you. The content of the letter should focus on why you admire them as an entertainer, this is where creativity could earn you some extra points. Something I wrote to Renee Zellweger inspired her to go the extra mile and write me a note. You just never know how far a little creativity will take you.
  4. Now the hard part is out of the way. If you expect any type of response at all, then you should include with your request a self addressed stamped envelope. While some celebrities will respond regardless of an SASE, it is out of common courtesy that you send one. Including an SASE will also increase the likelihood of getting a response. Also write "Do Not Bend" on both envelopes to reduce the chances of damage.

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